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When you buy on AliExpress, customs duties and import taxes may apply for several reasons:

  1. Initial price: Duties and taxes are usually not included in the item price nor the shipping fees paid to the seller.
  2. International sellers: Purchases are often made from sellers located outside your country, hence the additional customs fees.

These taxes vary depending on the country of shipment, the type and value of the items, and the package weight. Each country has its own tax policies.

You must also pay VAT on all your purchases via AliExpress. To settle these taxes, follow the procedure of your local customs authority.

Note: AliExpress does not support the payment of customs duties and taxes.

To avoid surprises, take these precautions:

  • Confirm with the seller the need to pay additional duties.
  • Contact your local customs office for details on applicable fees.
  • Be aware that these fees are often collected at the time of delivery by delivery companies.
  • Sellers are not responsible for customs delays.
  • Additional fees or delays may occur during international transactions.
  • Some sellers offer delivery from a local warehouse, which could exempt you from these fees.

AliExpress Customs Fees : The Explanatory Guide



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